Images The Architecture Drawing Prize

After Filipino-French architect-artist Clement Luk Laurencio soundly dominated last year’s edition of the Architecture Drawing Prize, another Filipino artist rises to challenge, representing the country in a competitive field of 60 entries from all over the world. Joining under the Hand-drawn – Student category, architectural designer and artist Eldry John Infante submitted a graphite rendition of Renzo Piano’s ‘The Bubble’ at the Fiat Lingotto Factory in Italy. He writes about his entry: “Sketching the Fiat factory offered me a better understanding of materials, structure, and methodology, and how, even decades apart, they can still come together harmoniously. Every line drawn offered me a peek behind the mind of the architect, a connection formed through this translation of three-dimensional form into paper.”
An avid sketcher and hobby photographer, Infante has previously illustrated for prestigious architecture publications such as BluPrint and has also figured in a profile feature in Kanto previously. He currently works as chief operating architect at KJHP Design Group, a boutique practice in Pampanga province, and is co-moderator and illustrator for Brutalist Pilipinas, a non-profit initiative championing the appreciation and preservation of Brutalist architecture in the Philippines.
While shortlisted entries are not in the running for the plum prize, the sizeable contingent of ASEAN entrants this year is an encouraging show of regional talent and competitiveness in a region that is not as well-represented and covered in architectural media. The region has made strides on the world stage for this year’s WAF with multiple Highly Commended honors and Category Wins; the Philippines has netted two Highly Commended honors from WAF first-time shortlisted practices: BUDJI+ROYAL Architecture + Design and Buensalido + Architects. Sudarshan Khadka and Alexander Eriksson Furunes also recently won the prestigious Peter Davey Prize at the Architectural Review Emerging Architecture Awards 2020.
The finalists vying for this year’s Architecture Drawing Prize and the full shortlist follows. The winners will be announced online on Tuesday, 30 November, 17:00 GMT. •

Architecture Drawing Prize
2021 Finalists
Digital Category

Hand-drawn Category

Hybrid Category

Architecture Drawing Prize
2021 Full Shortlist
Collective Tower Hong Kong by Misak Terzibasiyan, UArchitects
Tessellation of Multi-Dimensional Reading by Lee Cherng Yih, Caleb Ong, Formzero
Digital – Students
The Urban Exchange Platform – Farian Anwar/ Callum Birchall by Farian Anwar N/A
Outlines of Nuclear Geography by Sabina Blasiotti
Nuclear Shinto Sanctuary Construction by Sabina Blasiotti
Decontamination of Reactor 1 and 2 by Sabina Blasiotti
Enfilade of Theatricality: Towards a Queer Domesticity by Bryan Ho, Architectural Association School of Architecture
Site[s] of Flux – Roaming Giant by Zachary Higson Szczepaniak Astridge
The Treachery of Matter by Weiqiao Lin Syracuse
Holiday Inn Beirut by Anthony Youssef, Carleton University
The Promenade through Enfield Town by Sachini Jayasena, University of Greenwich
The new community by Xiaoqian Yao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Flood-responsive landscape performance by Dafni Filippa, The Bartlett School of Architecture
Beyond Kong by Yeu Ho Nam, The HK polytechnic university
Urban Sedimentology by Boji Hu Rogers Stirk, Harbour + Partners
VERTI-CAN CITY by Haipng (Heffrence), Teow ALOT
Trans-Body Sistems by Diego Alonso Román González
Afrorevivalism – The People’s Palace No.8 by Osehikhueme Etomi, Adamson Associates Inc
Living with objects by Amin Zargar
Archival Strike by Lauren Morgan, University of Technology Sydney
The Complete Map of Capital Beijing (2D) by 2021 Beijing Visiting Critic Studio
The Salt Institute by Catriona Bisset and David Gan, The University of Melbourne
Hand drawn
Treehouses Without Trees by Thomas W Schaller
Imaginary Cityscape by Thomas W Schaller
The History of Tower by Sergei Tchoban, Voss Architekten GmbH
Green square by Sergei Tchoban, Voss Architekten GmbH
Totalitarianism #5 by Sergei Tchoban, Voss Architekten GmbH
Manchester Courtyards; a proposal for Ancoats by Rory Chisholm, Donald Insall Associates
Hand-drawn – Students
Cannibalism City by Yafei Li, University of California, Berkeley
Lingotto Fiat Factory by Eldry John Infante, KJHP Architect
Memories of the Last Tree by Olivia O’Callaghan, UCL
Container by Cheng Wei Lee
Palazzo Massimo Alle Colonne by Shiyan Chen Bates, Masi Architects
Living Scenario #3 by Tiantian Lou Tiantian, Jeff and Friends
San Giorgio Maggiore by Minty Sainsbury
Public Space Design-Based on Alice through the looking glass by Maryanne Johnson
Reimagining Piranesi’s Prisons by Wing Sze Kung
Ee_reimagining_piranesi.jpg1027 by Louis Yeh Harrow School
Reconfiguring Addis Ababa’s Narratives – Storytelling for Architecture by Antonio Paoletti Mecanoo
alchemy_(dis)section by Michael Chapman epis0de
FutureWork by Sam Ki Fletcher, Priest Architects
White Horses I by Anton Markus Pasing, remote-controlled
Urban Sanctuary by Laurie Chetwood, Chetwoods
Hybrid – Students
Sanctuary of Disney’s Unloved Childre by Xinze Seah, University College London
Wabi-Sabi by Cheng Wei Lee
Architectural blueprint intertwined with fiction and reality by Cheng Wei Lee
Jabberwocky by John Clayson, UCL
Smoked County Relish by Daniel Jansen Harianto Soegijapranata, Catholic University
Propulsive omnibus cluster of architectural dream logic by Azouz Manachou, University of Manitoba
The Great Wall of Kindness by Jess Yu, Plus Studio
The Counsellor by Sanne Mulder, Academy of Architecture
The Treachery of Matter by Weiqiao Lin Syracuse University School of Architecture
The Water Parliament – Bangkok City 2100 by Tyler Lim, National University of Singapore
London Under by Dafni Filippa, The Bartlett School of Architecture
A Sacred Coalescence of Synthesis, Tectonics & Celebration by Ujjayant Bhattacharyya, AVANI INSTITUTE OF DESIGN
The Complete Map of Capital Beijing (diorama) by 2021 Beijing Visiting Critic Studio Syracuse University
Wymering Manor: material assemblages by Belinda Mitchell, University of Portsmouth
Pathfinder by Tristan Taylor Fletcher, Priest Architects
(Un)homeliness by Boji Hu Rogers Stirk, Harbour + Partners
Coalescence; Between Humans, Nature & Architecture by Kira Bennett, Arts University Bournemouth
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